Latest resources from Swissbit
Published: May 6, 2022
X-500 / X-55 Series Power Fail Protection
The X-500 and X-55 SSDs use an internal DRAM, but only management data is cached in the DRAM, no user data (as done in other SSDs). User data is al...
Published: August 7, 2021
Swissbit SSD Power Management without superca...
Most NAND Flash based 2.5” SSDs have RAM caches for high IOPS, the contents of which take multiple write cycles (written to flash) to store safel...
Published: May 26, 2021
Swissbit Flash Products Reliability & Data In...
NAND Flash chips are organized in Pages (2…16kB+spare) and Blocks (typically 64 pages). A page can be programmed once or up to four times, but on...