An Introduction to PIM
In recent years passive intermodulation (PIM) has become a major concern for wireless service providers...
Ultracapacitor Usage in Wind Turbine Pitch Control Systems
As the costs for electricity generated by renewables such as wind and solar decrease and ultimately reach...
Enabling Next Generation High Density Power Conversion
The drive to create Metadata processing server systems plus the parallel push for increased port density...
dB or not dB?
True or false: 30 dBm + 30 dBm = 60 dBm? Why does 1% work out to be -40 dB one time but then 0.1 dB or...
Accurately measuring efficiency of ultralow-IQ devices
While almost every power-supply engineer intimately knows and understands the lab setup for measuring...
Pierce-Gate Crystal Oscillator, an introduction
The most common gate oscillator in use today is by far the Pierce-Gate. Its popularity stems from the...
Powering Communications in Harsh Environments
The use of power supplies in harsh, remote environments brings with it many fundamental design issues...
Impact of Parasitics on Performance
With improvements in switching figure of merit provided by eGaN FETs, the packaging and PCB layout parasitics...
Most often capacitor selection to the uninformed seems like a simple choice but the demands, challenges...
eGaN® FET Drivers and Layout Considerations
When considering gate drive requirements, the three most important parameters for eGaN FETs are (1) the...
Basics of Dual Fractional-N Synthesizers/PLLs
Over the years, a number of methods have been proposed to realize fractional-N frequency synthesis that...
How to reduce size and increase performance in AC/DC power supply design
Improvements in AC/DC power supply design are evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. It's easy to settle...
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